I haven’t been able to pull together all the right words yet to describe this trip.. And trying not to get sucked too far back into “real life” after flying home late on Monday night.
But what a beautiful experience going to Bethel, Alaska with my coworkers for a mission trip, and a quick stop near Anchorage on our way back home!
This was one of the most rewarding experiences, and my introvert homebody self thrived being in closed quarters 24/7 with 8 other people!
Starting with a 16 hour travel day, sharing one bathroom between all of us, limited internet and wifi, two dorm rooms (one guys one gals), 1000 gallons of indoor water to last us the week (if it’s yellow..), and needing to hop in a van to drive to take a shower, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Organic daily quiet time, prayers before each workday and before each meal, devotionals to conclude each evening. The most loving, supportive, good hearted group of people.
We were on a mission to make improvements on a gathering place for teachers who span out amongst the smaller villages up the river from Bethel. The training center we worked on would not only provide a meeting place, but also beds to sleep in for transient teachers.
We installed network cables, security cameras, live stream equipment for the sanctuary, set up audio conferencing, and even rebuilt the movable stage.
This trip touched my soul hard!!